Los acumuladores de energía orgón Revitalización y Envejecimiento
this site, the exciting possibilities of an updated medicine based on energy
management are explored.
The latter comprises the use of therapeutic acupuncture, Reich orgonomy,
corresponding medications, nutrition and physical activity.
To diagnose, modern electronic acupuncture-point-measurement methods are
The information, which is processed by a computer, allows us to know both
as much about the amount of energy as its distribution.
And, the author introduces himself as well.
Apt for explorers, adventurers, and inquisitive individuals, the navigator’s log works as an explanatory and introductory travel guide to energy medicine.
articles generated after the publication of the page since November 2000.
we propose a simple and practical way of releasing the toxins we accumulate.
The program is called
Metereta(efficient) Broom, and it contains precise
instructions, as well as,
three possible diets to reach one’s goal.
series of research studies about the core aspects of energy medicine.
They are especially linked with traditional Chinese acupuncture, modern
acupuncture and Reichian orgonomy.
work experiences in medicine energy.
Real life stories about patients, through which
you can see of what the diagnostic and treatment methods consist.
and group alternatives for health recovery and maintenance.
It attempts to gather, in a single work plan, the best of oriental and
western advancement on the subject.
It includes breathing activities, gymnastics and aerobics, but, it also
works with weights and meditation.
relates to the author’s personal trips in search of the key to energy
It recounts his rural experience in the argentine provinces of
San Juan and La Pampa, as well as the urban experiences in
Mexico and Buenos Aires.
symptoms and the most common diseases defined in energy terms.
¿What do allergy, hypertension, cancer, migraine or even a simple flu
mean according to Chinese traditional acupuncture and orgonomy?
story of the human brain not only helps us to understand our internal
functioning, but, also, how we get sick.
health problems that may be treated with energy medicine.
The majority of them are generally unknown.
A list of illnesses, and other diseases recently added, whose treatment
has been successful according to the WHO (World Health Organization).
vision of society and its energy from a Reichian functionalist point of view,
entitled Energy, Character and Society.
a result of a group study electronically measuring 251 points in 30 people, we
drew up an Energy map of the Human body.
The conclusions, though not surprising, were impressive for its
we clarify what the
Deep Energy Regulation Method consists of and news is told about the
happy union between acupuncture and orgontherapy under the musical auspices of
the Piano Concerto No. 1 by Sergei Rachmaninov.
The details about this marriage are given in Concerto for tuba and
some time now, functional is a term used to define an infinite number of topics,
colloquially, it means something like “practical”.
Also, it’s “in” to say holistic or systemic when referring to the
integrity of the body.
We shall attempt to be precise to elucidate the meaning of both concepts
since they are relevant for energy medicine, which aims to be simultaneously and
by definition, functional and holistic.
measurement values to assess one’s personal energy.
It consists of 3545 measurements taken between 1986 and April 2002
(updated periodically).
They enclose three aspects:
the general characteristics of energy, acupuncture meridians and
Reichian rings.
Also, they are divided into three sections: general or total, by six, and
by age group.
synopsis of the most important methods of modern electro-acupuncture to study
the energy that circulates through the points and meridians, as well as its
clinical interpretation.
The methods are those of the Ryodoraku School, of Japan, and the
EAV (German electro-acupuncture or Voll school).
to reliable statistical studies, the aging process begins at
thirty years of age
in the culture we live in and that lives in us.
We are witnessing a generalized process of precocious aging that has
serious individual and collective health consequences because it accompanies a
high degree of limitation and pain.
The main idea of the REVI resides in the combination of five highly
effective natural methods to obtain a clear improvement in the body’s
the most commonly used terms in power medicine.
or portals on energy medicine.
Dr Carlos Inza For opinions, suggestions or consultations, my address is: E-mail: |