medicina energética






Esta medicina 

Revi al natural



Programa Azul 





Para qué sirve














Gripe porcina

Viagra, Hierbas Chinas

Experimento de Alcoy

Limpieza Hepato-Biliar

Programa de Desintoxicación

La gripe

El Invierno

Los Hidrolizados

Los acumuladores de energía orgón

El Dor-Buster

La Primavera

Cielito Lindo I

Acupuntura estética

La revolución Reich


La medicina catastrófica

Los bebés orgónicos

Orgón y Dor 

La Clonación de Idiotas

Revitalización y Envejecimiento

Talleres 2015

El magnesio 

La manta de orgón 

La medicina moderna





Here, the exciting possibilities of an updated version of medicine based on the handling of Energy are explored.  This medicine includes the therapeutic use of acupuncture, orgonomy, auxiliary medications, nutrition and physical activity.  In diagnosing, modern electronic measurement methods are used around acupuncture points – this information is processed by computers and permits us to know the amount of Energy and its distribution.

My name is Carlos Inza, and I am a rural doctor exiled in the city.  I graduated in 1971 from the School of Medicine of the National University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.  I was a country doctor in Tamberías (San Juan) and Toay (the Pampas), city doctor in Stockholm (Sweden) and the Federal District (Mexico), before returning to Buenos Aires in 1985.

From the start of my career, I have practiced traditional Chinese acupuncture (which still astonishes me), although in time, I came to add other ingredients with the intent of integrating them into that which would deservedly be called energy medicine.  My main effort consists in uniting the venerable wealth of acupuncture with the revolutionary findings of orgonomy, the science of Energy founded by Wilhelm Reich.

But, I have also added other great auxiliary cures to these disciplines:  modern homeopathy, trace elements, nutrition and physical activity.

Results from experience are exposed here in a summary based on both of the recognized pillars of medicine: clinical practice and research.

This site is created for the theory and practice of energy medicine, and, also, to share the stories of my patients (who medicine usually calls "cases"), my own research, proposals for personal development like the Blue Program, Cielito Lindo (an energy medicine bulletin which I have been publishing for five years, but, still not publicly available), a Dictionary that translates the symptoms into energy language, the Three Brains (applied neurophyisiology to understand why and how we become ill), a Glossary of the terms most commonly used in energy medicine, and even programs of chemical detoxification like the “Metereta Broom”.

A section on treatable problems by energy medicine is included (What ‘s its purpose?); Energy, Character and Society (a Reichian vision of society); a therapeutic methodology to in- depth work with energy (Concert for tuba and orchestra); The Functions (dealing with the five fundamental movements of energy); Basic Statistics that summarizes the information of all the measurements of energy from my data base; Measurement of Energy (the methods that are used to measure it); research that derived in the preparation of an Energy Map, and the Breeze of Time, a proposal of revitalization by natural methods.

And, since I am also a navigator (without a sailboat), this site begins with the Navigator's log, a written introduction to energy medicine for those who are just beginning to delve into the Sea of Energy and need a guide to orient them through their passage.  If more information is desired about my personal navigation related to these subjects, you may consult Voyage by country, world and medicine.

Happy travels!                                                                         (Traducción de Alicia Zárate)

               Dr Carlos Inza                                           

For contributions, opinions or consultations, my electronic address is:   /


To Beginning


horizontal rule

Medicina energética

Inicio / Presentación / Esta medicina / Revitalización al natural / Investigaciones / Historias / Programa Azul / Viaje / Desintoxicación / Diccionario / Cerebros / Para qué sirve / Sociedad / Mapa / Concierto / Funciones / Estadística / Mediciones / Revitalización / Glosario / Articulos / Enlaces / Morir como chanchos / Chicos / Plantas / Acupuntura-Orgón / English / Deutsch / Talleres / Viagra, Hierbas chinas / El experimento de Alcoy / Limpieza Hepato-Biliar / Programa de Desintoxicación / La Gripe / El Invierno / Los Hidrolizados / Los acumuladores de energía orgón / El Dor-Buster / La Primavera / Cielito Lindo I / Acupuntura Estética / La revolución Reich / La medicina catastrófica / Los bebés orgónicos / Orgón y Dor / La Clonación de Idiotas  / Revitalización y Envejecimiento / Talleres 2015 / El magnesio / La manta de orgón / La medicina moderna  /  Andropausia

Dr. Carlos Inza / Salguero 1807 - 11A / CP 1425 Buenos Aires - Argentina / Tel-fax: (011) 4822-5946