medicina energética






Esta medicina 

Revi al natural



Programa Azul 





Para qué sirve














Gripe porcina

Viagra, Hierbas Chinas

Experimento de Alcoy

Limpieza Hepato-Biliar

Programa de Desintoxicación

La gripe

El Invierno

Los Hidrolizados

Los acumuladores de energía orgón

El Dor-Buster

La Primavera

Cielito Lindo I

Acupuntura estética

La revolución Reich


La medicina catastrófica

Los bebés orgónicos

Orgón y Dor 

La Clonación de Idiotas

Revitalización y Envejecimiento

Talleres 2015

El magnesio 

La manta de orgón 

La medicina moderna






By Dr Inza and L. Southgate MSc RGN


Professor Senf (1979) first used the term Orgone-acupuncture in the late1970’s. His pioneering study indicated that Orgone devices have a strong effect on acupuncture points. Since then Dr Inza in Argentina and Southgate (2002) in England have helped develop Orgone-acupuncture theory and practice. This article details our work.


The original work of Senf strongly supported the notion that Orgone may be identical to the energy called Qi within Chinese medicine. The recent MSc paper aimed to build upon this possible common foundation.

As a student of Chinese medicine I became interested in the theories of Wilhelm Reich. The number of theoretical parallels between the two theories appeared to grow exponentially as my enquiries continued. The MSc paper (Southgate 2002) sought to formally investigate this apparent commonality between Reich’s theories and the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). A double blind, placebo controlled, experimental study was also carried out as part of the paper. The study involved 72 volunteers. It provided further scientific evidence that Orgone affects the acupuncture process with a significant Confidence Interval of P = 0.030.

The MSc paper detailed a comprehensive comparative review of Chinese and Reichian theories. An earlier draft of the paper was criticised on the grounds that it did not appear to elucidate theoretical differences between the two theories. There did not at first seem to be any fundamental divergence. Two new theoretical distinctions were eventually found both of which have implications for Chinese medicine. Here follows a brief review of the theoretical commonality and differences.

Theoretical Commanility Between Reichian and TCM Theories

Common Starting Points

Both theories are based on observation of function rather than mechanical deduction. Both theories accept the existence of a singular universal cosmic and biological energy. This energy is seen to give rise to form and to animate organisms.


Reichian theory has a symbol of the interaction of opposite energy flows. Chinese Medicine's symbol represents the interplay between Yin and Yang qualities. The two symbols represent interaction between opposite forces that are mutually dependent. The forces described are capable of inter-transformation and mutual consumption. Additionally, in both theories, the opposite forces arise from a common source. In terms of functional significance the two symbols are closely related.

The Orgonome is a kidney-like shape Reich found to be a recurring theme in his Bion experiments (Bions are minute vesicles halfway between matter and life). The Yin Yang symbol can be said to mirror two Orgonome Bion shapes placed parallel and inverted.


                YIN YANG                                   ORGONOMIC FUNCTIONALISM

It is interesting to note that the above theoretical parallels may also extend to physical similarities. Kong and Kim (2002) note that Bions may be found in a newly discovered fluid (Sanal fluid) within the actual acupuncture points and meridian system itself.


Blue, yellow, red and purple have similar significance in both theories.    

bullet·         Blue represents primary functions of bio-energy.
bullet          Yellow represents functions of bio-energy transforming into matter.
bullet          Red represents bio-energetic overcharge.
bullet          Purple represents bio-energetic stagnation.


Movement of Energy in Organisms

In terms of the movement of bio-energy the following parallels between Reichian and TCM theory can be described: 

bullet·    Expansion of Orgone energy corresponds to the free flow of Qi.
bullet     Contraction of Orgone energy corresponds to the stagnation of Qi.
bullet     Bio-energy can transform into matter.
bullet     Bio-energy can have a lifting and holding effect on matter.
bullet     The deepest of the body’s bio-energies resides in the lower abdomen.
bullet     There are specific orders to the progression of a treatment process.
bullet     Foetal energy pathways determine the development of an organism.  
bullet    Certain important acupuncture channels in TCM theory parallel specific movements      of  energy in Reich’s Orgonome diagram (See Southgate 2002). There is a     correlation in terms of both anatomical location and flow direction.
bullet  ·  The regular positioning of ‘energy breakouts’ in Reich’s Orgonome diagram parallel      the regular positioning of specific acupuncture points.
bullet  ·  For matter or lumps to congregate bio-energy must first stagnate.


Emotions characterised by contraction (e.g. resentment, depression) can have contracting effects on physical matter within the body. Emotional contraction and stagnation can lead to the development of muscular hardening in TCM theory. This has been noted to be analogous to the Reichian theory of Armouring (Mann 1973).


Both theories view the breathing process as the first step in connecting the organism to the environment both emotionally and physically.

Functional Equality

In both theories all the body’s energy systems are considered functionally equal. There is no recognition of a higher control centre in either theory.


Both theories maintain that:

bulletThe primal energies of the organism are the basis of sexuality. (TCM refers to the sexual energy as pertaining to an energetic system called the Kidney Energy. Reichian theory describes the existence of the sexual Orgone energy centred in the abdomen).
bulletReproduction is seen as a function of the primal energy.
bulletReproduction is not the function of sexuality.
bulletReproduction is merely a by-product of the primal bio-energy.
bulletSex regulates an organism’s energy. The sexual act culminates in discharge of excess bio-energy.
bulletFear and anxiety are expressions of the dysfunction of a primary energy that pertains to sexuality. (The Kidney Deficiency bio-energetic disharmony pattern in TCM theory encompasses fear, anxiety, lethargy, physical coldness and sexual impotence. Neurosis in Reichian theory can be expressed as fear, anxiety and inability to experience pleasure sexually. Both neurosis and Kidney Deficiency arise from the dysfunction of an energy that is sexual in nature).
bulletThe universe is itself sexual in nature.

Implications of Theoretical Parallels between TCM and Reichian Theories

Reich’s theories appear to be close to the Chinese medical view. The number of parallels posited would suggest that there may be great benefit in exploring exactly how Orgone affects the acupuncture process. Developing diagnostic processes that encompass both theories may also be beneficial. By encompassing Reichian views TCM may enable itself to theoretically comprehend neurosis and the bio-energetic processes of pleasure and pain.

Theoretical Differences Between Reichian and TCM Theories

1) The Root of Bio-energetic Stagnation

Freud, Reich’s original mentor gave up his earlier belief in the existence of a tangible libidinal energy. Rather than posit the effects of stagnation of a physically real bio-energy, Freud theorised the existence of metaphysical ‘destructive drives’. Although this was never Freud’s intention, in one sense, these ‘drives’ legitimise the pathological behaviour of mankind. One destroys and abuses not because of dammed up, repressed emotional-sexual energy but because it is a natural ‘drive’ inherent in life. Reich also noted in this regard that Freud failed to differentiate between natural aggression and pathological destructiveness (the latter only occurring in sexually repressed animals such as modern day humans).

TCM however, agrees with Reichian theory that the origin of all disease, both psychological and physical, is primarily related to the flow of a tangible biological energy. Virtually all of Reich’s findings on sexuality are supported by TCM views. The emphasis taken on certain points of commonality (for example discharge of bio-energy during sex) may be radically different but the energetic processes are the same. TCM however does not recognise the critical factor of blockages in sexual expression in the process of bio-energetic stagnation. A blockage in the expression of sexuality would result in an excess of bio-energy occurring. An excess of bio-energy or Qi would result in energetic stagnation in TCM theory. Therefore the Kidney energy (which stores sexuality in TCM theory) should logically be prone to stagnation of energy if sexuality is not expressed. It would appear therefore that non-expression of sexuality should be a major source of bio-energetic disharmony in TCM theory. However, TCM theory states that the Kidney energy, (the root of sexuality), can only be deficient, never stagnated.  Unusually, TCM makes this statement without any given rationale. The implications for TCM are that the importance of sexual expression will need to be re-appraised. The idea that the sexual energies, at their root, can only be deficient will need re-examining in the light of the many parallels found between TCM and Reichian theory.

2) Non-inclusion of Pleasure and Pain within TCM framework

Free flow versus stagnation of Qi in TCM theory may correlate to expansion versus contraction of Orgone in Reichian theory. Free flow of Qi corresponds to health and Stagnation of Qi to disease. Expansion of Orgone corresponds to pleasure and contraction to pain. Figure 3 charts these connections. 


FREE FLOW OF QI (health)              EXPANSION(pleasure)                                                                                           

STAGNATION OF QI (disease)     CONTRACTION(anxiety)

TCM prides itself on its inclusiveness. It is thought that any disease can be theoretically understood within its framework. However, there is no understanding of pleasure versus pain processes within TCM theory. The sexual source of bio-energetic or Qi stagnation remains obscured in the TCM understanding. This can be remedied by the inclusion of a new ‘Disharmony Pattern’. TCM does not recognise the existence of specific diseases. It comprehends disease in terms of interlocking ‘Patterns’. The possible missing ‘Pattern of Disharmony’ I have termed Kidney Energy Stagnation.  A new diagnostic ‘Pattern’ could be described:

Kidney Energy Stagnation (Pattern of Disharmony)

It is a preliminary suggestion that this pattern/energetic picture could be characterised on the basis of the following broad symptoms: 


·         Fear


·         Anxiety


·         Obedience to authority


·         Emotional withdrawal and contraction


·         Inability to feel pleasure in life generally


·         Inability to express pleasure sexually


·         Tendency toward experiencing pain

This ‘pattern’ would become a possible source pattern that could link to other pictures of bio-energetic stagnation in TCM theory. It could be linked for example, to Liver Qi Stagnation (which entails the development of a form of muscular hardening analogous to the Reichian concept of Armouring).

Stagnation of Qi in TCM theory corresponds to a physical contraction of both Qi and matter. From a Reichian perspective it is understood that this physical contraction correlates to pain. Health corresponds in TCM theory to the free flow or expansion of QI. The free-flow of Qi is thus inseparable from the perception of pleasure. The two processes are unified energetically. Although TCM theory parallels Reich’s views that movement of bio-energy and psychic emotion are identical, the notion that pleasure is a function of the free flow of Qi has not been included within Chinese philosophy. This is an important philosophical step with far reaching implications for Chinese views.

Reichian and TCM theories and Cancerous processes.

TCM theory maintains that stagnation of Qi can lead to a process it terms ‘Blood stagnation’. When blood stagnation occurs, lumps and masses become evident. Reich also believed that when biological energy becomes stagnant lumps or masses can occur. He thought that stagnant Orgone allows a negative Bion (T-Bacilli) to develop from within the tissues of the body. The T-Bacilli Bion is described as black and cigar shaped. The T-bacilli is the result of the breaking down of bodily matter. The opposite life-enhancing Bion (Sapa-Bion) is described as luminous blue and spherical.

Reich believed the body uses the Orgone energy charge of its Sapa-Bions to counteract the T-Bacilli Bions. Both are thought to be able to neutralise each other. Reich thought the actual lump or cancerous mass was the result of the build up of weakened Sapa-Bions. Reich noted that the weakened Sapa-Bions then evolve into cancer cells (Higgins 1960). Reich’s elucidation of a process of the gathering of matter in degenerative disease and cancer appears to have parallels with the bio-energetic ‘Blood stagnation’ process in TCM theory.

TCM theory also maintains that blood has an energy charge. Blood is inseparable from Qi, without which, it would be an inert fluid. Reich also believed that blood carries an energy charge. He developed bio-energetic blood tests that measured the field of light emitted by the Bions and by blood cells. Other parts of the tests measure breakdown rates of blood cells in the belief that this may also indicate their level of vitality, and by implication, their resistance to cancerous processes.

TCM theorists, faced with what can be a hostile supremacy of Western medicine have sometimes quietly taken the view that TCM theories, though workable in practice, are not necessarily represented in physical fact. This is seen as a counterpoint to Western theories which some, even within the Chinese medical traditions, view as based more strictly on the actual mechanics of the body. We know Qi exists- but we can’t prove it. Herbs and acupuncture points that move bio-energetic stagnation appear to work- but we can’t watch the process with a microscope. The above beliefs are no longer tenable as unchallenged fact without reference to the theories of Reich or the experimental evidence in the field of Orgone. The processes described by TCM theory may well be physical fact.

On the subject of cancer it is interesting to note that the US scientist Yount (2000) in a highly controlled experiment, has found that the energy described as Qi, when projected by Tai-chi practitioners toward experimental samples has a destructive effect on cancer cells.

The Sexual Secret of the Yin Yang Symbol

The Yin Yang symbol has been paralleled to the Orgonome Bion shape. The Yin Yang symbol is usually represented in two dimensions. Using the Bion parallel we can expand this to three dimensions. Figure 3 shows the Yin Yang symbol represented by two Orgonome Bion shapes. In this figure the perspective is the same as the traditional Yin Yang symbol.

                                   BION YIN YANG SYMBOL


In Figure 4 this perspective has been changed. We are now viewing the symbol in three dimensions from the side. Sexual and genital connotations are now evident. 



The common ground between Reichian and TCM theories appears to be a rich and fertile area. There are perhaps implications that may involve change for TCM views. However, the potential benefits for TCM, in increasing its already broad applications are great.

My research colleague, K. Gleave helped develop an Orgone-acupuncture device for applying Orgone through a needle. This was the device used in the Orgone-acupuncture experimental study. A combined Orgone-acupuncture energiser and Acupuncture Dor-buster (negative bio-energy removal) device has also been developed.



(Top box is a layered Orgone accumulating device that connects via leads to pads or needles. The bottom box contains moving water and again connects via leads to pads or needles. Developed by Gleave, Southgate and West)

The above devices have been used alone and in combination with the Orgone-acupuncture energising tubes (developed by Professor Senf). Dr Inza has developed a very thorough diagnostic and treatment system based on Reichian and Chinese medical theories. His extensive experience and research work with Orgone devices and acupuncture is described in the second half of this article.



The theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the contributions of the Reichian concept of Orgone presented as a powerful tool for diagnosis and treatment.

Dedicated to Federico Navarro, my mentor 

For those who know separately, either the tradition of Chinese acupuncture or Orgonomy, a perception of both disciplines may result in a feeling of a strange and powerful familial air. According to Chinese wisdom, there is a much more which unites than that which separates. The two sciences share observations on the reality and cognition of human problems. Therefore it was inevitable that somebody would ask, What is it that enables acupuncture points to irradiate when connected to Orgone energy accumulators? That person was the German Orgonomist Bernd Senf, who in 1979 first published an article about the effects of the Orgone radiation on acupuncture points. His study involved 150 persons and had the evocative title of: ‘Wilhelm Reich: Discoverer of Acupuncture Energy?’

Senf’s results are both illustrative and convincing. In his study, the effects of Orgone irradiation of specific acupuncture points agreed with the known effects of strong stimulation of those points in TCM theory. For those who would disavow acupuncture it is helpful to note that each point has very specific effects when it is used. At present there are known to be more than 1500 acupuncture points. The acupuncture points are situated along meridians and each has a certain income of energy. The meridians themselves appear to reflect lines of force, such as those that can occur within a crystal.

Senf selected some of these acupuncture points. Namely, point 67 of the Bladder meridian, point 3 of the Triple Burner meridian, point 5 of Lung meridian and point 2 of the Liver meridian for energising with Orgone. He also made another use of several of these points by the application of a small Dor-buster to extract energy from the selected points (according to the specific TCM diagnosis of the study volunteer).  It is not appropriate now to explain in detail the effects of these procedures. However, it is acknowledged that in all the cases, the result of the Orgone energising or energy extraction coincided exactly with the clinical description of the action of those points in TCM theory.

Advances in Investigation

From 1985, following the ambitious work of Senf, I resolved to combine acupuncture with Orgonomy both theoretically and practically. The concrete situation of that attempt is based within my medical dispensary in Buenos Aires in Argentina. I already had thirteen years of experience with acupuncture and the study of the important works of Reich. I felt that a verification of the experiment of Senf and an enlargement of its implications in clinical practice were crucial. Almost the whole Orgone-acupuncture work appeared to become obscured, save for certain moments, when I was able to share the theory or energy equipment with friends.

Before outlining my work with Orgone-acupuncture, I would like to quantify the importance of some comments mentioned at the beginning of this section. The act of working with the core equipment of medical Orgonomy (Orgone accumulators and Dor-busters) marries perfectly with the methodology of acupuncture. There are two essential points of practice when working with acupuncture points-stimulating or inhibiting bio-energy. Stimulation corresponds to the use of an Orgone accumulator. Inhibition corresponds to the use of a Dor-buster. This terminology is not however exactly interchangeable for the following reason. Classical acupuncture uses the needles (or other methods) to deviate the energy flux within the internal environment of the organism. Energy is moved from where it is in excess to where it is scarce. Orgone energising devices however incorporate free energy from the atmosphere (outside of the organism) to energise the acupuncture point. Orgone Dor-busting devices also extract (to the exterior) excess energy that may be blocking an acupuncture point. In spite of the above difference, the concordance between acupuncture and Orgonomy is evident. This concordance is verified in clinical practice. It is also encouraging to note that both disciplines try to work towards the normalisation of energy flows and not merely the disappearance of symptoms.

Acupuncture and Orgonomy share a functional conception of energy. Any differences between the disciplines are not necessarily an obstacle to the complementary results obtained both in theory and in practice.

Method of Diagnosis

It would be a great satisfaction to detail all the methodology and the consequences involved in the combination of Acupuncture and Orgonomy in its many different aspects (neuro-physiological, bio-energetic medical and social aspects etc). The following however is a summary of the beginnings of a working system that incorporates both diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.

The first task is to obtain information about the energetic situation of the person that is in treatment. Two particular aspects are of greatest interest-the quality of the energy and its distribution (the equilibrium or non-equilibrium of the energy).

The methodology consists in probing 31 acupuncture points with a testing device of the Ryodoraku School of Japanese Electro-acupuncture. This device measures the electrical resistance of each point in microamperes. It is of course not measuring directly the Orgone energy quanta of each point, but its electric expression. However, the obtained measure (between 0 and 200 microamperes) is useful in diagnosis and appears correct clinically. This diagnostic system cannot assess how much Orgone or Dor energy (negative Orgone) is stored within the acupuncture points and meridians. However, the obtained information is valuable in gauging the energetic equilibrium. A diagnosis according to the basic laws of traditional acupuncture (Yin/Yang, Five Energetic Systems/Organs, Principal meridians, Ancient meridians, Triple Burner Energetic System etc) is also carried out.

The exploration of the points is of value from an Orgonomic perspective as it provides an objective measurement of Reich’s seven bodily segments. Through extensive bio-electrical research I have selected acupuncture points that are representative of energetic changes in each Reichian segment. The following graph represents a large sample of patients who have had diagnosis and treatment. The graph also demonstrates the typical character structures in society. The graph is based on 2367 separate measurements taken from 1989 to April 2002.

To understand the graph we must refer to the 7 body segments that Reich described:   

bulletSegment 1 = Ocular
bulletSegment 2 = Oral
bulletSegment 3 = Cervical
bulletSegment 4 = Thoracic
bulletSegment 5 = Diaphragmatic
bulletSegment 6 = Abdominal
bulletSegment 7 = Pelvic

These segments form into rings. In the graph that follows it can be observed that the majority of the test subjects have an energy overload in the head area, an energetic deficit in the abdomen and pelvis, and blockages in the diaphragm. This has important social consequences that the Orgonomist is able to understand, develop and explain. This methodology contributes objective information regarding the individual Armouring processes and the substructure of the emotional desert that we inhabit.  


From statistical analysis of bio-electrical data, the bio-energetic situation of the principle meridians can be depicted on various graphs (not shown here). Using this data one can assess by comparison the energetic situation of the principal meridians. One can tell whether the person has an appropriate quantity of energy (compared to the average for their sex and age groups). The averages used were obtained through 3900 separate measurements. Some broad energetic categories are as follows-


·         Normal-Orgonia (normal quantity of energy)


          Anorgonía (very little energy)

bullet       ·         Hiccup-Orgonía (high and low energy levels)
bullet       ·         Hyper-Orgonía (energy excess)
bullet       ·         Dis-Orgonía (unbalanced energy)

Dis-Orgonia (non-equilibrium) is able to coexist with any of the other energetic situations. As is always the case in traditional acupuncture, the selection of acupuncture points for treatment is based on the objective of achieving equilibrium of energy. Any energetic imbalances are contradicted by the selection of specific acupuncture points. Points are selected to stimulate the meridians that are characterised by Hiccup-Orgonia (high and low energy levels) and to inhibit those meridians that are characterised by energy excess (Hyper-Orgonia). Next we will explore how this energetic balancing is achieved. This is the goal of the therapeutic method.

Therapeutic Method

Before making a summary of the treatment we can briefly examine the devices used in medical Orgonomy, concentrating on those used in Orgone-acupuncture.

Firstly there is the Orgone accumulating tube that is an adaptation of Reich’s Orgone cabinet accumulators for use with acupuncture. It consists of a hollow galvanised iron tube 30 cm in length. This tube is wrapped in stainless steel sheets (0.1/0.2 mm in thickness) layered alternatively with sheets of thin polythene. These tubes have one sealed end with the other end open for directing toward the acupuncture point.

The second device employed is an Orgone-plaster made from alternate layers of steel and polythene. This device is placed on the skin over a deficient acupuncture point (Hypo-Orgonia) each day for a set time by the patient.

Finally, there is the energy extractor, the Dor-buster. This consists of a hollow steel tube, also of 30cm in length that is connected to a cable that is exposed to running water.

These are the three main devices. As for the methodology, there are many variables. During treatment one or more of the following procedures may be used:

bulletUse of two Orgone accumulating tubes toward the representative points of the meridians that are characterised by variable levels of energy (Hiccup-Orgonia).  
bulletUse of two Dor-busting tubes toward points that discharge energy in meridians characterised by excess of energy (Hyper-orgonia).  
bulletUse of needles in various points combined with use of Dor-buster tube.  
bulletUse of Orgone accumulating tube toward a general acupuncture point daily.  
bulletUse of the Orgone accumulating plaster on a point to raise general energy levels or toward a specific function.  
bulletSpecific use of the Dor-buster

Experience with the Acupuncture Point Conception Vessel 6

Point 6 of the meridian Conception Vessel (6CV) is a very important acupuncture point. It is located under the navel. The exact location is unique to each organism. Its name in Chinese is Qi-Hai and it means Sea of Energy.

This point is used as a general point to augment the overall levels of energy.

Explanation of this point is appropriate to conclude this article due to the extraordinary results that I have systematically obtained through its use in the last sixteen years. It is certain that appropriate results will be obtained with this point when low energy levels have been diagnosed. However, almost any person is able to benefit from this point (with the use of the Orgone tubes or Orgone plasters).

Having mentioned the above, it is useful to note some of the advantages of the use of Orgone energy within the acupuncture system:  

bulletThe effect is smoother and more predictable than placing a person inside an Orgone accumulating cabinet. This is because acupuncture permits the energy to be distributed within the organism through a penetrative net of meridians and collateral networks. This avoids the radiation reinforcing already existing energetic blockages.  
bulletVerifications of energy levels using the measurements of the points before and after the Orgone energising can enable a well-balanced distribution of the Orgone energy. This is of great theoretical and practical importance because improving the distribution of energy not only softens the Armouring but is also a first step to achieving long term improvements in energy levels.  
bulletThe people that have used these procedures in treatments improve in a demonstrable way both objectively and subjectively. It is unlikely that a placebo effect is occurring when the persons uniformly report a major increase in energy, especially after treatment.  
bulletThe use of the Orgone devices demonstrates that the incorporation of Orgone energy improves the functional movement of organisms. The Orgone accumulators function as a catalytic frontier between the cosmic ocean of energy and the individual organism.  
bulletThis energising method is safe, because the 6CV acupuncture point informs the person if it is overloaded. If this occurs the person feels heaviness, warmth or a disagreeable sensation and usually suspends the energising process spontaneously.  

The inevitable limitations of space curtail further considerations, but for further information see the website- . It is currently in Spanish but an English language version is now in development.

(Translated from the original Spanish by L.M. Southgate and P. G. Andersch).

Dr. Inza/Buenos Aires / Argentine / Oct2002/

L.M. Southgate / Wirral / England / Oct2002/


Higgins, M. (1960) Wilhelm Reich Selected Writings: An Introduction to Orgonomy, Editor M, Boyd Higgins, New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Kim and Kong (2002) The Sanal Theory of Bong Ham Kim: Bion-Like Processes in Acupuncture and Biology, Heretic’s Notebook: Pulse of the Planet Research Report and Journal of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Vol. 1, (5) : 95-99

Senf, B. (1979) Wilhelm Reich: Discoverer of Acupuncture Energy? American Journal of Acupuncture, Vol. 7 (2) :109-118, April-June. See also Senf, B. (1989) Pulse of the Planet Research Report and Journal of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab Vol. 1, (2) : 25-30

Southgate, L. (2002) Traditional Chinese Medicine and Reichian Theory-A preliminary exploration of parallels and differences between Chinese and Reichian medical theories and interventions, UK, Northern College of Acupuncture and University of Wales MSc thesis.

Mann, W. (1973) Orgone, Reich and Eros, New York, Simon and Shuster.

Yount, G. (2000) The Effects of Qi-Gong on Normal and Cancer Cells, 15th International Conference on Human Functioning, Kansas, Centre for the Improvement of Human Functioning International, Cassette tape number 2938.


To Beginning   


horizontal rule

Medicina energética

Inicio / Presentación / Esta medicina / Revitalización al natural / Investigaciones / Historias / Programa Azul / Viaje / Desintoxicación / Diccionario / Cerebros / Para qué sirve / Sociedad / Mapa / Concierto / Funciones / Estadística / Mediciones / Revitalización / Glosario / Articulos / Enlaces / Morir como chanchos / Chicos / Plantas / Acupuntura-Orgón / English / Deutsch / Talleres / Viagra, Hierbas chinas / El experimento de Alcoy / Limpieza Hepato-Biliar / Programa de Desintoxicación / La Gripe / El Invierno / Los Hidrolizados / Los acumuladores de energía orgón / El Dor-Buster / La Primavera / Cielito Lindo I / Acupuntura Estética / La revolución Reich / La medicina catastrófica / Los bebés orgónicos / Orgón y Dor / La Clonación de Idiotas  / Revitalización y Envejecimiento / Talleres 2015 / El magnesio / La manta de orgón / La medicina moderna  /  Andropausia

Dr. Carlos Inza / Salguero 1807 - 11A / CP 1425 Buenos Aires - Argentina / Tel-fax: (011) 4822-5946